Tackling an assignment
It can be very hard starting an assignment – a blank piece of paper staring at you and no idea where to begin. In this section, we will show you some tools that can make the task much more manageable. At school, it can be relatively easy to dive straight into a piece of work. At University, an assignment can be a lot more challenging and the bulk of the work is in planning and researching, with the writing as the final stage.
Planning your Writing
The Alex Essay Writing Tool: A step-by-step guide to writing an essay
Planning your writing – Resources from BBC Skillswise
Collating information (Collecting and organising)
Using MindView to plan and collate your information, including referencing – you can export all of this to Word when you are ready (Video- 10mins)
Referencing your work – it is SO important to collect your references as you read and collect information. This section links back to the Reading section on referencing, but remember that it is a key part of completing your assignment.
Support to structure your assignment in Word
Using ‘Styles’ to create headings in Word – Styles make it easier to create structure in your assignment, easier to create navigation as your assignment gets longer and simple to create an Index when you finish your work [Video: 5mins 32]
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